Student Proficiency Report
Basic Information
Student Name : charlot
Level : Low Beginner
Date : 2022-11-16
Material : Wonders 1.1
Speaking / Communication
Her responses were being dictated and it took time for her to follow.
Pronunciation, Stress & Intonation
She mispronounced most words which was repeated for several times. There were difficult words that she can't pronounce correctly yet.
Her answers were short and direct to the point and were dictated.
She needed prompts such as gestures and verbal cues to understand.
Oral Reading
She was guided all throughout the reading. She struggled in pronouncing most words even after they were repeated several times.
She was unable to respond to simple questions on her own. She needed prompts before answering.
Teacher’s Recommendation
She should read more picture books to expand her vocabulary. Also, she can watch English videos, especially in phonics, and try reading them out loud so she could practice her pronunciation and comprehension.
Date of Evaluation :
Teacher's Name :