Student Proficiency Report
Basic Information
Student Name : seo eun
Level : Low Intermediate
Date :
Material : Wonders 2.1
Speaking / Communication
Was able to ask and answer the questions with little difficulty. The articulation was clear but not as polished.
Pronunciation, Stress & Intonation
Pronunciation was understandable with some errors. Very stylistic but have minor mistakes, unfamiliar with native usage of intonation.
Committed some errors in grammatical structures possibly caused by an attempt to include variety but they do not obscure the intended meaning. The vocabulary used was primarily appropriate.
Understood simple or routine directions, as well as short, simple conversations and short, simple discussions on familiar topics; when topics are unfamiliar required extensive linguistic support and adaptation
Oral Reading
Read in large meaningful phrases with only occasional breaks caused by difficulties with specific words.
Understood most of what was asked of him/her.
Teacher’s Recommendation
Practice writing and read more books to enhance your vocabulary.
Date of Evaluation :
Teacher's Name :