Student Proficiency Report
Basic Information
Student Name : Irene
Level : Novice
Date : 2022-11-18
Material : Smart Phonics
Speaking / Communication
She mumbled most of her words. She can count the number when the teacher starts counting. Words need to be repeated.
Pronunciation, Stress & Intonation
She frequently mumbles the words. Her pronunciation is incomprehensible and sometimes inaudible.
She answers the questions with words only. When asked, she mostly understand the yes or no questions.
She had difficulty understanding simple conversations. The teacher should speak slowly and make gestures for her to understand. Some words she repeats are mispronounced.
Oral Reading
She can't read words like flower, day and yellow.
Questions need to be repeated and the teacher uses gestures for her to respond to the questions. There are some items in the matching type that she got the correct answer but mostly, the teacher reads the word.
Teacher’s Recommendation
She needs to practice more in her speaking skill. She can start with phonetics so she can read simple words.
Date of Evaluation :
Teacher's Name :